Author: Anirban Maitra
Fritz Haber: Amoral Nobel Laureate with a Dark History
Every living organism depends on food for survival. In the intricate web of ecosystems, plants stand as the primary producers, while animals play the role of consumers. However, the way plants and animals derive their nourishment is vastly different. Plants draw essential nutrients from soil, water, and air to fuel their growth and development. Among…
When Science is Against Humanity: Exposing the Tuskegee Tragedy
In the 1930s, America struggled with a silent epidemic—syphilis, a bacterial sexually transmitted disease that afflicted nearly one in ten people in the US. The symptoms were harrowing: painful sores and rashes could plague the body for up to two years. In its advanced stage, syphilis wreaked havoc on vital organs like the heart and…
GM Crops: Concerns and Awareness
The rise of GM crops is deeply rooted in society’s ongoing battle against hunger and food scarcity. To truly understand why GM crops became a necessity, we must journey back through history. In the early 19th century, English economist Thomas Robert Malthus proposed a population theory that sent ripples through intellectual circles. His theory, in…
Parasitic Tale: The Jewel Wasp and its ‘Zombie’ Cockroach
The scientific name of the creature is Ampulex compressa. The common name is the Jewel Wasp, or in Bengali, it is known as “Jewel Bolta (জুয়েল বোলতা).” It is mainly found in the African and Asian tropics. Its length is around one inch or slightly smaller. The exterior of its body has a beautiful coloration.…