Recently, a headline caught the public’s eye: “Radio signals coming from alien worlds, scientists worried.” While intriguing, the headline was quite misleading. The truth is, radio signals from space are not unusual—they’re a regular occurrence. There’s no reason to be alarmed. What’s genuinely fascinating, however, is understanding the cosmic processes that create these electromagnetic signals.
The Enigma of Invisible Light
In the 17th century, renowned English scientist Sir Isaac Newton believed that light was made up of tiny particles he called corpuscles. To explain the behavior of light, Newton proposed the corpuscular theory. He suggested that luminous objects emit streams of these corpuscles, which strike the eye and allow us to see. According to his theory, smaller corpuscles create dimmer light, while larger ones produce brighter light.
But not all phenomena fit into Newton’s theory. For instance, if you place a glass lens on a white sheet of paper, you’ll notice a series of dark rings at the point of contact. This phenomenon, known as Newton’s Rings, puzzled scientists because it could not be explained by the corpuscular theory.
It became clear that Newton’s idea wasn’t the whole story. It seemed, light might not be made of particles after all. This realization opened the door to new theories that would eventually reshape our understanding of light and its behavior.
The Birth of the Wave Theory of Light
In 1678, Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens revolutionized the understanding of light. Drawing on geometric principles, he proposed that light is not a stream of particles but a type of wave. Huygens also explained how these waves propagate through a medium, offering solutions to mysteries that Newton’s corpuscular theory had failed to address.
Phenomena like interference, diffraction, and Newton’s Rings—which baffled scientists under the particle-based model—found elegant explanations within Huygens’ framework. This groundbreaking idea became known as the Wave Theory of Light. However, as promising as it seemed, Huygens’ theory was not without its own challenges. A deeper understanding of light’s true nature was still waiting to be uncovered.

How Does Light Travel Without a Medium?
Waves typically require a medium to propagate—think of water waves or sound waves. Yet, light travels from the Sun to Earth through the vacuum of space, where no medium exists. So, if light is a wave, how does it manage this remarkable journey? What kind of wave is it?
The answer came from the brilliant mind of James Clerk Maxwell. Through meticulous experiments, Maxwell discovered that light is an electromagnetic wave. Unlike other waves, electromagnetic waves don’t need a medium to travel. This unique property allows light to move effortlessly through the vacuum of space or through any medium it encounters.
Newton’s Prism: Unveiling the Hidden Colors of Light
Isaac Newton made a groundbreaking discovery about sunlight—it isn’t truly white. When passed through a prism, what appears to be white light splits into a stunning spectrum of colors. This spectrum reveals that white light is actually a blend of violet, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, and red.
The magic lies in how the prism interacts with light. As the light passes through, each color bends at a slightly different angle due to its unique wavelength—some bending more, others less. This phenomenon not only creates the vibrant display of colors but also allows us to peek into the hidden composition of light.
William Herschel’s Experiment: Measuring the Heat of Light
In the 18th century, renowned astronomer William Herschel embarked on a fascinating experiment to measure the temperature of light. Using a prism, he split sunlight into its spectrum of colors. To understand how heat varied across the spectrum, he placed thermometers at different points—one on the blue light and another on the red light.
Herschel noticed something intriguing: the blue light was slightly warmer than the red light. As he moved from blue to red along the spectrum, the temperature gradually decreased. In scientific terms, this meant that as the wavelength of light increased, its associated heat diminished. But just as the experiment seemed to conclude, an unexpected discovery unfolded.

The Invisible Light Beyond the Spectrum
During his groundbreaking experiment, William Herschel’s thermometer accidentally drifted beyond the red part of the spectrum, into a region where no visible light was present. To his amazement, he found that even in this seemingly dark area, heat was detectable.
This discovery raised an intriguing question: if there was no visible light, what was causing the rise in temperature? Through meticulous experiments, Herschel unveiled the existence of a new type of light, invisible to the human eye, lying just beyond the red part of the spectrum. He named it infrared light, drawing from the Latin word infra, meaning “below,” since it was found below red in the spectrum.
Herschel’s revelation didn’t stop there. A few years later, scientists uncovered another invisible form of light on the opposite side of the spectrum, beyond the blue region—this was ultraviolet light. Today, we understand that the vibrant spectrum of colors from violet to red represents just a tiny fraction of a much larger spectrum. The human eye can only detect light with wavelengths between 380 nanometers and 680 nanometers. Beyond this range, the world of light becomes invisible to us.
Yet, light doesn’t end where our vision does. Beyond the visible lies an expansive array of wavelengths, forming the complete electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum reveals the true breadth and beauty of light, extending far beyond what we can perceive with the naked eye.
The Radiance of a Blackbody: A Gateway to Quantum Mechanics
Scientists have theorized the existence of a fascinating object called the blackbody. This hypothetical entity is extraordinary in its ability to absorb all electromagnetic waves that fall upon it, making it the ultimate perfect absorber. But that’s not all—this mysterious object also radiates energy across all wavelengths, earning it the title of a perfect emitter. While the concept of absorption is straightforward, the process of emission requires a deeper exploration to truly understand its significance.

A blackbody is a constant source of electromagnetic waves, radiating an astonishing spectrum of energy. From radio waves and infrared light to ultraviolet rays and visible light, all types of wavelengths emerge from its surface. However, the intensity of these waves isn’t uniform—some shine brighter, while others are more subdued.
The key to understanding this lies in the temperature of the blackbody. The intensity of each wavelength is intricately linked to its temperature, a relationship elegantly captured by the groundbreaking formula introduced by physicist Max Planck.
In the quest to unravel the mysteries of blackbody radiation, Planck’s work didn’t just solve a puzzle—it laid the foundation for an entirely new branch of physics: quantum mechanics. This profound discovery transformed our understanding of the universe at its most fundamental level.
$$ I_\lambda = \frac{8 \pi h c}{\lambda ^5}\frac{1}{e^{\frac{hc}{kT \lambda}}-1} $$
Imagine a blackbody heated to 5000 Kelvin. Its radiant energy spans a vast range of wavelengths, beautifully illustrated by the yellow curve on the graph. If you study the graph closely, you’ll notice that the blackbody emits signals across various wavelengths—like 500 nanometers and 1500 nanometers—along with countless others at varying intensities. This highlights a fascinating fact: the radiation encompasses waves of all frequencies.
But there’s more to uncover. While the blackbody emits energy across the spectrum, its intensity peaks at a wavelength of around 600 nanometers. This wavelength corresponds to yellow light, explaining why a 5000-Kelvin blackbody appears with a brilliant yellow hue to the human eye—a glowing signature of its temperature and radiant energy.
At a temperature of 6000 Kelvin, the radiation from a blackbody is most intense at a wavelength of 500 nanometers. This corresponds to a bluish light. If you calculate the intensity for a blackbody at 1000 Kelvin, you’ll find that the peak intensity is in the radio frequency range. Such a blackbody cannot be seen with the naked eye. To observe it, specialized equipment like radio telescopes is required.
The central message here is simple yet profound: every object with a temperature radiates energy. Stars, galaxies, and even the human body all emit energy in the form of radiation. Depending on their temperature, this radiation can range from radio signals to infrared light. For example, the human body emits infrared radiation, which can be detected using thermal goggles. This is why military forces and similar groups use thermal imaging to identify individuals in the dark, revealing the invisible warmth that surrounds us all.
- To explore the history of electromagnetic waves, you can read “Herschel and the Puzzle of Infrared” by Jack R. White, published in American Scientist.
- To learn more about blackbody radiation, refer to “Blackbody Radiation Cannot Be Explained Classically” on Chemistry LibreTexts.
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